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- Author Coaching Concept to Completion Package
Author Coaching Concept to Completion Package
What is in this package? I will help you develop your story if you have not begun the writing process. We will walk through each chapter of the book as you write it. If you already have work written, I will edit what you have and give my feedback on how to complete the book. What is also in this package is:
BOOK FORMATTING. I will do the formatting for your book depending on the size you want to have it printed [the most popular is the 6 x 9].
*This service alone can start at $300 or $400 and go up depending on the size of your book.
KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing). I show you how to publish your book directly to KDP. While you are actually doing the steps, I walk you through each of them. I do this to teach you how to do the process yourself if you want to self-publish in the future without any assistance.
Editing. I do the initial editing as we go through the process. However, you will need to have someone to edit your final book. The reason for this is to make sure fresh eyes catch what we may have missed since we are working so closely on the project. That cost is dependent on who you get to do the editing. Once you get it back, I will do another edit for you and prepare the book for final upload to KDP.
Book Cover. I will create the book cover for you. If you decide to do it yourself or have someone else do it, please let me know. It has to be formatted for the book size. If you are doing your own book, let me know, as I will deduct $250 from the cost of this package. The cover will need to be ready for upload. If there are any errors with the cover, you will be responsible for getting those corrected to allow for it to be accepted to KDP. If I do the cover, and there is an error with the cover, I fix it to make sure it is accepted.
Final editing before publishing. Even though you will have your book professionally edited, I will read it before you send it to be published. It normally takes 24-72 hours to hear back from Amazon whether your book has been accepted. Once it has, we will move to the final step of doing the copyright and assigning your book to the ISBN number you purchased [this is a separate cost; this goes directly from you to Bowker].
COPYRIGHT. When your book has been published, I will walk you through the copyright process to teach you how to complete the task and make sure your process goes smoothly [you pay for that process at the time I walk you through it - $65].
ISBN: I will help you purchase your ISBN number and assign the book to it once the book has been published. We did the copyright and the ISBN assignment at our last Zoom. The cost for an ISBN number is $125. You can purchase this book as soon as we are ready to publish it, and I will add the number to the book before we prepare it for the final upload.
There is so much more—I can't list it all! I am your coach throughout this entire process. Whether it takes you a few weeks or a few months, I'll be with you from beginning to end. If you would like to contact any of my previous customers to ask them about my services, let me know, and I will send you that information.